UFO Announces World Cup Series format change

The UFO would like to announce a significant change to our format for the season. We normally are very reluctant to make any rule or format change mid-season, but we feel this will have a positive effect overall.
Normally, teams that want to compete in the UFO World Cup Final need 90 World Cup points to play in the event. The EC requires 65 points.
Unfortunately, due to a LOT of events in September, it will not be possible to have a UFO EC this year. We understand this is a big disappointment for many, but there was no way to get it into the schedule on a free weekend.
The good news for European teams is that the World Cup Final is in Switzerland. September 23-25 in St. Gallen.
To accommodate the schedule conflicts and address the lack of an EC this year, the UFO has decided to lower the points needed to qualify for the finals to 65 World Cup points. The is retroactive, includes all teams that have competed this year.
(yes, we are working on getting scores and standings updated, things are quite busy at the moment. sorry....)
As has always been the case, your point total will come from your 2 highest Major finishes and your 2 highest Local finishes.
We know travel is expensive and difficult this year, so if you can only get to one Major, just remember there is a Final Major on Friday, September 23. Last chance for points. You get a minimum of 10 World Cup points for competing in a Major. So if you have at least 55 points, and have only been to 1 Major before the finals, then you will automatically qualify when you compete at the Final Major.
This means the top 8 teams in Open Combined at all majors are qualified for the finals, and places 9 and 10 can get in pretty easily.

We hope this change gives teams inspiration to get out there and try to qualify for a spot in the Final. Anyone who attended the World Cup Final in 2014 in St. Gallen will remember it was an absolutely epic event. One of the most fun ever.
This year will be no different. With the Overall Title, the Freestyle and T&C titles AND the return of the DTOUR Championship, there is a lot going on that weekend. We hope to see many of you in Schweiz! It is going to be an awesome party!

Good luck to all the teams competing in Majors in Germany and Switzerland this weekend!

- the UFO